Welcome to The Villages IdentityServer


Use this area to become familiar with your new Villages Identity Server account. Get a basic concept of what IdenetityServer4 is and what it does. And discover the resources and support to help you manager your user account profile whenever help is needed.

IdentityServer Defined:

IdentityServer provides users authentication (login access) and authorization (right to use) to a client (application, api, process) or clients for which they have been granted. Authentication is the login access process, basically the key to entry. IdentityServer provides single sign on or SSO allowing a user to access all their clients from the intial login. Authorization is the given “right to use” of certain client resources once a user has successfully authenticated. This authorization is granted by means of roles or claims that are assigned to a user to do a specific task within a client. A client can be an application, and api, a portal to access other applications, or even a device.

User accounts Defined:

There are two types of user accounts. Employees of the Villages or INTERNAL user accounts that reside on The Villages Active Directory tree. And, EXTERNAL users accounts that have no affiliation with the Villages in the context of an employee or contractor relationship.

Clients Defined:

A client can be an internal or external application, process, and api, a portal to access other applications, or a device Internet of Things(IOT).

IdentityServer User FAQs:

FAQ 1) Do I have a Villages Identity account? Try to login here at auth.thevillages.com to determine if you have a Villages Identity account. If your login attempt fails* the first couple of tries, then most likely you do not have an account and will need to contact your supervisor who will create a Connectwise ticket requesting an account be setup for you. For all new user account requests, the user information required will be the user’s full name, the department they work for, the clients/applications requesting access and the user’s email address. The Villages domain email address is required for all internal users. Also needed, if known, are the roles or claims being granted to the user for each application. This may not be known at the time of account creation and can be applied later. *Do not attempt to login more than two times using your Villages domain username to prevent account lockout and password reset. To expedite your new account request please title your Connectwise ticket with the Keywords: “New Identity User Account Request”.

FAQ 2) What is my username? For internal users, the username will be the user’s domain name. Example: John Doe’s username would be doej. For external users, any username can be used as long as it’s not already in use.

FAQ 3) How do I enable / reset my Two-factor authentication (2FA or MFA) authentication? Please see “Two-factor authentication (2FA or MFA) authentication” below for more information explaining this topic. If the user’s device was lost or stolen and they do not have access to their recovery codes, please contact support and create a ticket with the Keywords: “User Identity MFA Request”.

FAQ 4) How do I reset my password? For Internal or External user, please see, "IdentityServer User Resources" below for more information.

FAQ 5) What clients do I have access to? If you have a Villages Identity account, you can login here: idsvr.thevillages.com to see all the clients you have been granted access. Note: this does no mean a user has authorization to access a client. It just indicates that the application was added to the user’s profile. Please contact your supervisor if you have any questions regarding access to a client. If authentication or authorization support requests are made for a user, please provide the user’s full name, email address, the client in question and the type of role or claims the user is permitted to have. To expedite the authentication or authorization request please title the Connectwise ticket with the Keywords: “User Identity Auth Request”.

IdentityServer User Support:

Please contact support at 352.674.1530 if further assistance is required. Please include the user's Villages Identity account, a callback number, the client being access, and the issue to be resolved. Thank you!

IdentitySever User Resources:

Does my account exist? Verify here:  auth.thevillages.com

Reset my password here (internal users):  reset.thevillages.com/react/home.aspx

Reset my password here (external users):  auth.thevillages.com/Account/ForgotPassword

Enable/Reset my 2FA:  auth.thevillages.com/Manage/TwoFactorAuthentication

My clients, see them here:  auth.thevillages.com

Two-factor authentication (2FA or MFA) authentication:

Two-factor authentication is a two-step authentication process that is required to acess certain clients. Two-factor authentication is enable in the user's profile. Keep in mind, two-factor authentication is user centric and will be required during every login regardless if the client has 2FA authentication required or not. A user that has two-factor authentication enabled must have an authenticator application available. Preferred two-factor authenticator applications are Google Authenticator or SecureAuth. The authenticator application must be configured on their smartphone or as a browser plug-in and be synchronized to their Villages Identity account by means of an OAuth generated QRCode. The user will use the code produced by the authentication application to successfully login. Below are the steps to enable and reset/recover two-factor authentication.

Information on how to  Enable and setup Two-factor

Information on how to  Disable and reset Two-factor